The Warmth of Community Support Felt at MLK Day of Service
Kudos to all those who braved sub-zero wind chills and temperatures barely above zero Monday to take part in the 26th annual Northern Berkshire MLK Day of Service.
The event is held each year on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday to honor & continue King’s commitment to service to the community. MCLA’s Venable Hall was the staging area for volunteers to gather. Some headed out to perform projects like winterizing homes or helping out at the Adams Youth Center, Louison House or other service locations. Others stayed in to work on service projects. Everyone regrouped for an early afternoon luncheon and program.
A highlight of each year’s program is the presentation of the Peacemaker Award. This year that honor went to Kenna Waterman for her work in forming the non-profit Josh Bressette Commit To Save a Life in memory of her late son. The organization has shone a bright light on the opioid addiction crisis in our community and has focused on efforts to help those in recovery.
It was reported on iberkshires.com that Greg Shine, president and CEO of Shine Wire Products in Adams was so moved by an an address by Waterman at Williams College last fall that he presented a check for $3500 to Waterman’s organization yesterday on behalf of the company's employees, along with a pledge of $35,000 from the Shine family so that their work may continue to make an impact in North Berkshire.
Kudos to them too for truly stepping up and making a difference. A noble way to honor Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy.
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