How Are You Planning To Make 2022 Better For You & Others?
Typically, I am NOT one of those people who make New Years resolutions. Due to health related matters, I decided to hop on to the bandwagon for my well being and peace of mind. I am in the process of losing some weight and eating right, thanks to a near and dear person in my life who has taken a mission of being my personal coach as she monitors my progress and the end result is paying off dividends. I am even graded for my efforts each and every and lately have been receiving an A for my willingness and hard work.
Next up on the docket: I plan to continue my aim to "pay it forward" as the statement "it's better to give than to receive" has resonated well in my life due to the trying times we are STILL going through these days. My goal is to help some of my neighbors who continue to struggle during this ongoing pandemic. I am in the process of cleaning out my closet and making donations of attire and footwear that just doesn't fit into my wardrobe because I know somebody out there needs these donations more than I do. To sum it up, it's mandatory and MUST be done because it will assist those less fortunate.
I am officially an active member of the community here in our tri-state region as my knowledge of the radio market has broadened my horizons since our home base is intertwined with areas I worked in the past including Albany, Kingston and Poughkeepsie, New York and some of my previous air work was based I neighboring Sharon, Connecticut (where I was introduced to the Southern Berkshires back in the 1990s) and I was also at a radio station in Pittsfield around the same time before migrating to Eastern Connecticut.
Great Barrington is where I live and work and my aim is to keep myself active and getting to know more of my listeners who faithfully tune in each and every day. Two words I live by: "LOYAL & TRUE" and this is the pride and satisfaction that establishes me as a better person in this world and it comes from the heart. Hopefully, you can join me in this quest and guaranteed the end result will prove beneficial to ALL.
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