The feeling can only be described as total violation. Right? I remember some summers ago, there were reports of vehicles being broken into around my neighborhood. Sure enough, I was going to work one morning only to find my glove compartment and center console wide open accompanied with my stuff strewn all over the vehicle.

Was the perpetrator's intent to steal my car? No, this guy wanted money. There were no signs of forced entry because I left my car unlocked by mistake, so I blame myself. The feeling is still the same though, it's invasive and violating to have your personal property be rummaged through.

We'll shift at this point to actual vehicle theft. Unfortunately, theft is a part of life that we must deal with, although most can be prevented.

So, What Vehicles Are Most Often Stolen And Why?

It appears that the more popular the car/truck/model is, the higher it is on the most stolen list!

Other factors that determine how likely a vehicle is to be stolen are the location and the model year. Whether a thief prefers an older model without an anti-theft system, or a newer one with an easily-replicated key fob, there are a few factors that can make some cars more attractive than others to auto thieves.

These Are The Most Stolen Vehicles In Every New England State


1. 2009 Chevy Pickup (full)

2. 2015 GMC Pickup (full)

3. 2017 Ford Pickup (full)

New Hampshire:

1. 2010 Ford Pickup (full)

2. 2003 Honda Accord

3. 2004 Chevy Pickup (full)


1. 2007 Chevy Pickup (full)

2. 2013 Ford Pickup (full)

3. 2018 Subaru Impreza, 2001 Honda Accord (tie)


1. 2007 Honda Accord

2. 2000 Honda Civic

3. 2018 Toyota Camry


1. 1996 Honda Accord

2. 1998 Honda Civic

3. 2015 Nissan Altima

Rhode Island:

1. 1997 Honda Accord

2. 2007 Toyota Camry

3. 2004 Ford Pickup (full)

Information courtesy of

LOOK: Here are the states where you are most likely to hit an animal

Hitting an animal while driving is a frightening experience, and this list ranks all 50 states in order of the likelihood of such incidents happening, in addition to providing tips on how to avoid them.

Gallery Credit: Dom DiFurio & Jacob Osborn

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