Five Things to Never Store on Your Work Computer
Someone asked to a bunch of HR experts to name things you should never store on your work computer. Here are the top five things they said they've seen people get in trouble for according to Business Insider.
1. Porn. Which should be an obvious one. But people get caught with it on their work computers all the time. Especially if it's a laptop they travel with or take home.
2. Personal photos or videos. Mostly because they can take up a lot of hard drive space. If someone in your IT department has access to your computer, they might tell your boss. Which makes you look unprofessional.
3. Video games. Again, you'll look unprofessional if someone finds out. Plus it could make your computer or your company's servers more vulnerable to hackers.
4. Anything related to your side job. Or anything that has to do with a job search, like an updated resume or cover letter.
5. Anything that has to do with offensive jokes or memes. You shouldn't be sending dirty jokes through your work email in the first place. But if someone sends you something like that, delete it as soon as you can. People get fired for it all the time for this.
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