BRTA Buses To Roll Through Thanksgiving Weekend
Updating our recent story about a possible strike affecting BRTA service: the Berkshire Regional Transit Authority was notified late Friday afternoon that a threatened strike date of "on or around November 16, 2018" has been postponed.
According to a statement from the BRTA's Robert Malnati, a meeting has been scheduled for Monday, Nov. 26 with Federal mediators, union reps and First Transit. While the contract dispute is between the BRTA's paratransit drivers and a First Transit subsidiary, Paratransit Management of the Berkshires, a strike would likely affect fixed route operations as well, as those drivers are part of the same union.
Malnati explained that Friday's announcement means that all BRTA paratransit and fixed route service will operate as usual until after the results of the Nov. 26 meeting are known.
So enjoy your weekend, safe in the knowledge that you'll still be able to ride the "B" come Monday and, apparently, to the Black Friday and Small Business Saturday sales.
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