Snow Emergencies Are In Effect
The snow has begun in the Berkshires, with considerable accumulations & wind accompanying the slow moving storm. As a result, snow emergencies have been declared in our area.
A Snow Emergency has been declared for the City of North Adams from now until 9 A.M. Tuesday, December 3. The official notice says that residents may not park vehicles on city streets and are encouraged to limit their travel during this time to allow for the clearing of streets throughout this extended storm.
In addition, all residents and visitors should note that the overnight parking ban is in effect and will be enforced, and that residents and businesses should clear their sidewalks within 24 hours of the end of the storm, per city ordinance. Residents also are encouraged to clear snow from around fire hydrants located near their houses.
Community members needing assistance during the storm should contact the city's Public Safety dispatch at 413-664-4945.
Also, the Town of Adams has declared a Snow Emergency in effect from now until 3 P.M. Tuesday, or until notice is given that the State of Emergency no longer exists. The town reminds you that during the Snow Emergency no vehicles are allowed to park on the streets. All violators are subject to being towed. The Adams Police Department will be enforcing the By-Law that prohibits any person to shovel, plow, push, or throw snow out into the streets.