Mayor To Host Monthly Coffee and Conversation This Saturday
North Adams Mayor Tom Bernard will hold the next in a series of informal "Coffee and Conversation" gatherings this Saturday, May 4, from 9-10 A.M. at the Greylock Valley Apartments Community Room. They are open to the public and there are no set agendas.
The Mayor said he often hears about ideas and issues from the public while attending events at places like the Spitzer Center or the UNO Community Center, or even "at the dairy case at the supermarket." He said having these times set aside each month gives him a chance to connect directly with residents. As the mayor put it: "Here's the deal: I'll be there" for whatever people want to talk about. Some of the items brought up last month included the Mohawk Theater, outdoor recreation opportunities, and the City's attempts to divest itself of several properties which it now owns. Bernard said whatever the topic he's willing to listen, take notes and refer concerns back to city team members when needed.
Bernard also told us that since the start of the series several venues have reached out to offer space for future "Coffee & Conversation" events. His office is currently working out details of the schedule for the rest of the year.
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