Friendship Center Food Pantry Moves Distribution Site
Starting Wednesday, April 1, the Food Pantry of the Al Nelson Friendship Center will temporarily operate from the St. Elizabeth Parish Center.
According to a press release from the Northern Berkshire Interfaith Action Initiative the move from 45 Eagle St. to the Parish Center, at the corner of St. Anthony Drive and Holden Street, is being made to provide more room for social distancing and to adjust to increased need for emergency food during the COVID-19 emergency.
NBIAI Board President Mark Rondeau said that volunteers from the First Baptist Church of North Adams and Terra Nova Church, also in North Adams, helped move the essentials to run a food pantry, including shelves, tables, three freezers and about 1,000 lbs. of food from the Friendship Center to the Parish Center in less than two hours on Thursday.
Pre-assembled boxes of food will be distributed from the double red doors on the Holden Street side of the facility, across from the BIg Y building. Food will not be given out inside the Parish Center and all other entrances will remain locked. Those picking up food are asked to park along Holden Street and line up as necessary at an appropriate distance from each other.
The food pantry operating hours will remain 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. and 3:30 to 5:30 P.M. on Wednesdays. The phone number remains 413-664-0123.

They would also like to hear from those interested in volunteering at the food pantry. You may email northernberkshireinterfaith@gmail.com or visit their website or Facebook page.
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