Williamstown Ag Commission Argues for Farmer in Dispute with DCR
iBerkshire.Com reports the Agricultural Commission this past week went to bat for a local farm involved in a dispute with the Department of Conservation and Recreation over a leased parcel in the Mount Greylock State Reservation.
Richard Haley of Cold Spring Road and Carl Sweet of Hopper Road in May received a "cease and desist" letter from DCR alleging unauthorized activities on the land which the farmers say they have leased continually since their uncle sold the 31-acre property to the commonwealth in 1990.
On Monday, the Ag Commission met with Haley for the second time in two weeks and agreed unanimously to send a letter to the director of the DCR's Western Regional Office protesting the farmers' treatment at the hands of the agency's employees and requesting that DCR work to resolve the dispute amicably.
Among other points of contention is the status of the lease itself.
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