Telephone Call Will Get You Help With Taxes
Great news for eligible Berkshire County residents, this tax season you'll be able to get free tax help through the VITA program.
The Berkshire Eagle reports as a seasonal worker, Diane Miranda doesn't have a lot of money to throw around. Instead of paying an accounting firm $300 to file her taxes, she's taking advantage of the free income tax preparation program offered by Berkshire Community Action Council.
Now that tax time is here, families who make less than $54,000 are eligible for free income tax help through the Voluntary Income Tax Assistance (VITA).
The program is administered locally by Berkshire Community Action Council in Pittsfield and North Adams.
Clients can call and set up an appointment to do their taxes during specific dates and time slots, according to BCAC Deputy Director Bryan House. In Pittsfield, appointments can be set for Monday and Wednesday nights or Saturday mornings. In North Adams, the service is available on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings.
The last day to file taxes this year is Tuesday, April 17.
To make an appointment with a tax preparation volunteer through the VITA program, call 413-663-3014 in North Adams or 413-418-3635 in Pittsfield.
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