
A Full Statewide Mask Mandate in Massachusetts May Not Be a Stretch!
A Full Statewide Mask Mandate in Massachusetts May Not Be a Stretch!
A Full Statewide Mask Mandate in Massachusetts May Not Be a Stretch!
Is it possible that the State of Massachusetts could be heading toward a full-on statewide mask mandate? It could happen. If you look at the way things are going, it's not inconceivable. It’s certainly noticeable that people are beginning to wear their masks again in public places like supermarkets and other indoor locations where there are a lot of people. Consider that observatio...
Massachusetts Schools To Remain Closed
Massachusetts Schools To Remain Closed
Massachusetts Schools To Remain Closed
During his noon press briefing Tuesday, Governor Charlie Baker announced that Schools in Massachusetts will remain closed for the rest of the school year. The announcement came amid pressure from the state teacher’s union, which saw no path toward reopening the schools before the end of this school year. All...

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