
Is It Legal In Massachusetts To Pump Gas When Your Engine Is Running?
Is It Legal In Massachusetts To Pump Gas When Your Engine Is Running?
Is It Legal In Massachusetts To Pump Gas When Your Engine Is Running?
Listeners of "Slater & Marjo In The Morning" may often hear us talk about being lazy at the gas pump. I don't mind the heat, but I certainly don't love it and I wanna stay cool whenever I can, you know, like when I'm pumping gas! So, I broke the ultimate gas station rule the other day and filled my tank while the engine was running and I felt pretty guilty about it. I...
How Do Massachusetts Gas Prices Look Going Into Thanksgiving?
How Do Massachusetts Gas Prices Look Going Into Thanksgiving?
How Do Massachusetts Gas Prices Look Going Into Thanksgiving?
The holiday season is upon us, and that means there is plenty of traveling that will be taking place over the course of the next month and a half. So, as we head into Thanksgiving, how does Massachusetts look when it comes to our gas prices? Especially compared to the rest of the country?

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