Mount Greylock Weighs Dropping April Vacation Week From School Calendar
IBerksires.com reports April vacation will be a thing of the past — at least for one year — if the Mount Greylock Regional School Transition Committee approves a calendar proposal presented at Thursday's meeting.
Acting on direction from the committee to try to end the school year earlier than this year's snow day-induced June 25 release, Superintendent Kimberley Grady and her building principals developed a proposal that replaces the traditional week off in April with two long weekends.
By recovering the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after Patriots Day, the district would have classes ending on Thursday, June 13 — or, with the state-mandated budget of snow days, June Thursday, June 20.
If the district goes with the traditional week off, the last day of school would be Tuesday, June 18, at the earliest and June 25 with the five snow days.
Eliminating days off during the school year is the only lever the committee has to change the length of the year.
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