Free Workshop on Developmental Disabilities
The Department of Developmental Services, its Citizen Advisory Board and UCP of Western Mass. will present "Because We Do Not Have a Crystal Ball", on October 25 from 9-3 at Berkshire Community College in Pittsfield.
This free workshop is geared to both caregivers of those with developmental disabilities and adults with disabilities. Elder Services of Berkshire County will present a program on "Aging and Acceptance". Participants will be assisted with developing a plan for the future as both caregivers and individuals with developmental experience in the aging process. A panel of caregivers will talk about their experiences.
Also, the topics of guardianship, power of attorney, health care proxy and MOLST will be discussed by an attorney, followed by "Putting Plans Into Action".
Light refreshments will be served at 8:30 A.M. in the BCC cafeteria and lunch will be provided. Advance registration is required for this free workshop, by calling 413-443-7381 Ext.222 or emailing .