Berkshire Food Pantry Gives Volunteers Room for Social Distance
The fight to feed the hungry hasn't stopped for the Al Nelson Friendship Center food pantry amid the pandemic. It's just moved a couple of blocks west.
The need for more physical distance between volunteers distributing food to families prompted the group to seek a bigger location at St. Elizabeth's of Hungary Parish, in the cafeteria/auditorium space that exits to Holden Street, according to Mark Rondeau, president of the board.
"We were awfully cramped," Rondeau said. "It's a nice space for normal times, but for these times it's too crowded in there, and there was little space on the sidewalk for dispense the food safely and still keep social distancing. We were just two or three feet away from each other, hardly getting any distance."
On the first distribution from the new location on Wednesday, food was passed to 138 households.
Read more on The Berkshire Eagle.com now.
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