‘Banners for Fallen Heroes’ in Adams Gets Sponsor
Good things don't always take time. The Fallen Heroes committee was formed in late 2019 with the intention of honoring the town's men and women lost in the line of military duty, and already their project has a sponsor.
Adams Community Bank will cover the associated costs of "Banners for Fallen Heroes". Iberkshires.com reports the banners, each featuring a photo of the deceased along with their rank and branch in which they served, will be displayed on utility poles in the town from Memorial Day until Veterans Day.
One of the committee members is Adams Selectman Jim Bush. His involvement in many town projects like this was the driving reason for Bush's selection as this year Northern Berkshire MLK Day of Service Peacemaker Award recipient.
They're looking to get production going in March so the banners can be up in time for this Memorial Day.
Anyone interested in participating can visit or call Adams Town Hall at 413-743-8300, Ext. 100, or the American Legion at 413-743-1469 and ask about the Fallen Heroes project.