Are You Interested In Purchasing This Berkshire County Landmark?
One location that always intrigued me when I relocated to Housatonic over three years ago: An abandoned three story building on Pleasant Street that has historical significance and has been a fixture in the village since 1907. This was once home to The Housatonic School which has been closed for decades as the facility permanently closed it's doors as this was a mecca for youngsters to be taught during it's hey day.
Guess what? If you are interested, this building could be yours and there are some valuable perks that are included when sealing the deal. For starters, the town will present the future owner with a $650,000 grant as these funds will go towards structural repairs. The edifice's roof has a numerous amount of leaks that need to be plugged up plus many windows have seen some destruction due to vandalism. There is also a massive amount of exterior work needed as this extra incentive is subject to approval by members of the Town's Select Board.
Town officials would rather see a rebirth of this property instead of bringing the bulldozers as over a century of history would be eliminated and that would NOT sit well with local residents who have fond memories of attending classes in this iconic building which has taken it's spot in the National Register of Historic Places.
Some ideas that were tossed around by the town of Great Barrington include an apartment complex, general offices and a combined location of commercial and residential usage. The village was once a fixture in manufacturing as abandoned factories still drape this area and this image recaptures Housatonic in it's glory days. All these options will truly provide a boost to south county's economy, although other ideas are being considered at the centrally located property which also has a panoramic view of the beautiful Berkshire mountains. I should know being Housatonic is my official place of residence and I'm LOVING IT!!
Submission for future proposals MUST be submitted by no later than June 10th (deadline time: 2 pm) What are you waiting for? Start saving up and YOU could be the proud owner of this coveted building with objectives of bringing a rebirth to this beautiful hamlet in our backyard. Further details can be obtained by logging on to this web address on The Town of Great Barrington's web site.
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