Youth Baseball, Softball Leagues Working to Salvage Seasons
Playing before an international television audience in Williamsport, Pa., is not the goal for Little Leaguers this year.
Playing games in their own hometowns will be victory enough.
Local youth baseball and softball officials are discussing how they can give youngsters an experience in the sport if and when state and local authorities give the green light.
Here in the Berkshires, Little League seasons would have been gearing up right around now with players competing on "house league" teams with dreams of making the all-star squads that compete for spots in district and state tournaments.
When the county's Little League representatives met remotely on Monday to review the landscape, the one thing they knew for sure is that no one knows for sure when or if they will be able to put any teams on the field this year.
Read the entire story at iBerkshires.com.
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