You’ll Spend Over $100,000 on Delivery and Takeout in Your Life
This can not be !
The average American will spend over a HUNDRED GRAND on delivery and takeout in their life, according to a new study. And in some cities, it's even more than that.
People in Seattle spend the most on delivery and takeout . . . $210 a month. That's about $2,500 a year, or just over $151,000 over the course of 60 years.
The top five cities are Seattle, $210 a month . . . Pittsburgh, $199 . . . San Francisco, $195 . . . Austin, $189 . . . and San Jose, $188.
The cities where people spend the least are Detroit, $142 a month . . . Memphis, $146 . . . Richmond, Virginia, $148 . . . Cleveland, $149 . . . and Birmingham, Alabama, $150.
But people in Cleveland actually spend the highest percentage of their paycheck on delivery and takeout. And Miami and Detroit also spend over 6% of their income on it.
The study also looked at how much you'd save if you never ordered out, and only cooked at home. The answer is somewhere between $80 and $120 a month . . . or $58,000 to $86,000 over the course of your life.
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