Winter Coat Drive is Underway
With snow already having fallen on the Berkshires, and another round of unseasonably cold temperatures coming in, most of us have pulled our winter coats out of the back of our closets. I'd like you to think just a moment about some of our neighbors who don't have that opportunity, and how you can do something about that.
The Williamstown Council on Aging and the Northern Berkshire EMS are accepting warm coat donations for our community. New or gently used coats may be brought to the Harper Center at 118 Church St., Williamstown, to 30 Water St., Williamstown or to 10 Harris St., North Adams.
So if that coat of yours that looked so great last winter just doesn't fit your style or shape this year, now you know what you can do with it. You'll get a warm fuzzy feeling and the knowledge that you're helping keep one of your neighbors warm as well.
While many collections are focused around the holidays, we all know the need for warm winter clothing extends well after that, so this drive will continue from now through the end of January.
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