Williamstown ZBA Continues Marijuana Farm Petition to March Meeting
iBerkshires.com reports the Williamstown Zoning Board of Appeals Thursday granted a special permit for a Cold Spring Road resident to operate an art studio and gallery at their residence.
The board did not, however, take up a more contentious issue: the application for a special permit to grow marijuana on a Blair Road property.
Only four members of the board could attend Thursday's monthly meeting. That gave the body a quorum, but it also meant that a successful petition would have needed a unanimous decision from the ZBA members present.
Tim Duncan and Rebecca Johnston went ahead with the request for permission to establish a studio at 534 Cold Spring Road.
In a preview of what to expect at the board's March 21 meeting, the ZBA has received as of Thursday afternoon eight letters against the proposed pot plantation.
The majority of the letter-writers identified themselves as residents near the parcel in question.
Most of the letters objecting to the application concerned the effect on quality of life and property values in the Blair Road neighborhood if Massflora is allowed to build the 7,000 square foot processing center and establish the 5-acre outdoor plantation it proposes.
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