Williamstown Select Board Splits on Town Meeting Pot Articles
The Williamstown Select Board on Monday was mostly unanimous in its recommendations to town meeting about the items on the annual meeting warrant.
But there were a few exceptions — principally on an issue that has dominated discussions at the Planning Board for months.
Voters will be asked to decide 37 questions at the 7 p.m., Aug. 18 meeting, scheduled to be held for the first time on record in the great outdoors, at Williams College's Farley-Lamb Field, home to the school's football and lacrosse programs at Weston Field.
The first 17 items, which include some procedural matters and minor appropriations, will be part of a "consent agenda," a time-saving device the town started using at the annual meeting a couple of years ago.
The likely most contentious issues will come further down on the warrant, when the town is asked to resolve a couple of land-use articles related to recreational marijuana.
Articles 33 and 34 either are diametrically opposed to one another or work in conjunction with one another, depending on one's perspective.
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