Williamstown Man Injured in Motorcycle Accident in Vermont
A iBerkshires.com reports a Williamstown man was seriously injured early Friday afternoon when the motorcycle he was driving struck a guard rail on Route 100.
According to state police, Fran Rosasco, 74, was taken by medical helicopter to Albany (N.Y.) Medical Center as a precaution because of the severity of the injuries to his chest, knee and shoulder.
The 2003 Harley-Davidson that Rosasco was riding is considered totaled.
A Shaftsbury State Police say that Rosasco was traveling with another motorcyclist north on Route 100 when he failed to make a left hand turn in the road. His motorcycle stayed to the right, hitting a guard rail, throwing Rosasco off the bike.
The accident occurred just after noontime and about a mile south of Branch Hill Road. Conditions were clear and dry and temperatures around 70 degrees.
Northern Berkshire EMS of from North Adams,were at the scene and state police learned the helicopter had been requested .
State police were also assisted on scene by Stamford and Readsboro Fire Departments, the Bennington County Sheriff's Department and Heartwellville Towing.
A traffic violation complaint is pending.
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