Williamstown Con Comm Contemplates Adding a Trail on Conserved Parcel
The Williamstown Conservation Commission will hold off on a proposal to install a new trail on one of the parcels under its control until it has more information about potential environmental impacts.
At its July 9 meeting, the commission discussed a request from a former member of its body to install a trail on the Deans Lot, a 47-acre parcel off White Oaks Road.
Commissioner Henry Art argued that while a hiking trail has benefits, those do not come without a cost. And in this case, he was concerned about protected species on the parcel that could be adversely impacted.
Robert Hatton, a former member of the committee, reached out to two members of the panel to ask if he could submit maps for a potential trail. The commission agreed that it should at least wait to have the maps in hand before taking further action.
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