Where to Celebrate Mass Maple Weekend In the Berkshires
Celebrate the Commonwealth's Sweetest Season during Maple Weekend in Massachusetts this Saturday and Sunday.
The 2019 maple sugaring season is here, and sugarhouses in the Berkshires and around the state will be welcoming visitors to see how pure maple products are made and sample some of the state's sweetest crop.
According to the Massachusetts Maple Producers Association, Ioka Valley Farm in Hancock, Holiday Brook Farm in Dalton, and Mill Brook Sugarhouse in Lenox will be among more than 40 sugarhouses participating with a variety of happenings, from a team of oxen gathering sap, to walks through the sugarbush, to collections of historical sugaring equipment on display, to energy-saving modern equipment, to pancake breakfasts. Of course, they'll have lots of syrup and fresh maple products for you to sample and take home and enjoy.
The Plainfield-based MMPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of maple sugaring in Massachusetts. They say that pure Massachusetts maple products are naturally gluten-, allergen- and fat-free, and have fewer calories and more minerals and nutrients than other sweeteners. They have recipes as well as a listing of sugarhouses participating in Mass Maple Weekend online here.
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