Way Cleared for Verizon Tower in Clarksburg
iBerkshires.com reports an agreement for judgment filed in U.S. District Court would vacate a decision by the Planning Board to deny a special permit to Verizon Wireless.
The agreement, filed on Friday in U.S. District Court in Springfield, would clear the way for Verizon, operating as Pittsfield Cellular Telephone Co., to install a 140-foot monopole at the former North Adams Country Club.
The judgment would essentially function as the special permit Verizon had been pursuing for more than a year Verizon took the Planning Board to court in June 2017 after planners rejected the telecommunication company's proposal to install the cell tower.
Abutters and numerous residents along the scenic byway registered their objections to the plan at several public hearings.
Verizon said the location was necessary to relieve the increased load on the Florida Mountain antennae on that side of its coverage area.
Verizon would still have to abide by the town's bylaws for obtaining a building permit and paying taxes.
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