Vermont Begins Relaxing Stay-Home Rules
Gov. Phil Scott is letting "low-contact outdoor businesses" reopen on Thursday, meaning Vermonters can start going to ballfields, parks and golf courses. This follows reports on Tuesday that only five new cases of COVID-19 had been identified in the state.
The addendum to the governor's March stay-home order was released on Wednesday. "Play Smart and Play Safe" allows more outdoors socializing but with the caveat that people continue to maintain a 6-foot distance and gather in groups no greater than 10. Vulnerable populations are still recommended to abide by the stay-home order.
People are asked to wear face coverings over their mouth and noses and wash or sanitize their hands frequently. They can "participate in outdoor recreation and outdoor fitness activities that require low or no direct physical contact."
Read the details at iBerkshires.com now
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