Winter doesn't officially start until December 21st.  But the annual wintertime surveys are starting to come out.  And here's a great stat from a new one we saw . . .

This winter, the average American will get sneezed on six times.

It also found the average person will slip or fall seven times . . . step in two puddles . . . get sick twice . . . have eight weather-related driving scares . . . and complain about the weather an average of five times a day.

And according to the survey, the thing we hate most about winter is having cold hands and feet.

The rest of the top ten are runny noses . . . dry skin . . . having to wear so many layers . . . getting out of bed . . . dirty snow . . . shorter days . . . sick people on public transportation . . . staying in so much . . . and waking up when it's still dark out.

And finally, what's the ideal temperature to have your thermostat set at during winter?  The average answer was 70 degrees.


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