Time For Berkshire County’s Health Checkup
How healthy are we in Berkshire County, and how can we work to ensure future success? If you're interested in finding out, we have news of an event coming up next week.
On Monday, March 25 from 1-3:30 P.M. the County Health Rankings Release event will be held in the Common Room at Zion Lutheran Church, 74 First St. in Pittsfield. The information will compare county and state figures on chronic disease, health behaviors, and access to care. It's also a way to provide input on Berkshire County's health priority areas for 2019-20.
The Keynote speaker will be Jessica Collins, Executive Director of the Public Health Institute of Western Massachusetts. She'll address health equity and concrete steps to address local disparities.
Registration and light refreshments will begin at 12:30. You may also pre-register here. The event is being sponsored by the County Health Initiative, whose members include the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, Berkshire Health Systems, Berkshire Regional Planning Commission and other agencies.
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