The Best Words to Use in Online Dating Are “Honest” For Men and “Sexy” For Women
Even though it's 2019 and we're supposed to have come a long way in gender equality, when it comes to online dating, men are still mostly concerned with whether a woman is hot.
A new study looked at the adjectives that people use in online dating . . . and the ones that get the best results. The best one a woman can use in her profile is . . . "sexy."
Men also like women who describe themselves as honest, confident, affectionate, and intelligent.
There's some overlap there with what women are looking for . . . although women don't care if you think you're sexy or not.
The top five adjectives that have the best results for men are honest, intelligent, confident, funny, and romantic.
The study also found the worst words to use. For women, the worst way to describe yourself is happy . . . and for men, the worst way to describe yourself is curvy.
Although I kind of love the idea of a guy calling himself curvy.
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