Do men really care about décor this much?

A recent survey found the average couple has 72 arguments or disagreements about their home each year.  That's six a month.  And most of them happen in public, or in front of other people.  Here are four stats from the survey . . .

The most common argument is what to spend money on, or how much to spend.  Other topics include style choices and which gadgets we need.

10 happen in front of family or friends . . . and only 15 happen at home.

58% of people said they sometimes don't offer their opinion, because they don't want to start a fight.  It doesn't say how many of those people are men or women.

What makes a house a "home"?  This seems like a fairly high bar.  But according to the survey, it takes two holiday seasons . . . two family visits . . . two barbecues . . . one Super Bowl party . . . one game night . . . and returning from two vacations before your place truly feels like your "home."


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