
16 Totally Absurd Laws That You May Not Realize Exist in Massachusetts
16 Totally Absurd Laws That You May Not Realize Exist in Massachusetts
16 Totally Absurd Laws That You May Not Realize Exist in Massachusetts
No matter where you are throughout the United States, every state is going to have laws that may seem a little strange. This also applies here in Massachusetts. Some of the laws may even seem like they are on the fringe of complete insanity. It seems that unfortunately Massachusetts has several of those. Like, more than just a few.
What’s the Deal With All These Completely Bizarre Laws in Massachusetts?
What’s the Deal With All These Completely Bizarre Laws in Massachusetts?
What’s the Deal With All These Completely Bizarre Laws in Massachusetts?
No matter where you are throughout the United States, every state is going to have some laws that differ from the norm. Some might stray a little from others, but there are definitely some laws in each state that are on the fringe of complete insanity. It seems that unfortunately Massachusetts has several of those. Like, a lot of them.
It's Illegal to Warm Up Your Car in Massachusetts
It's Illegal to Warm Up Your Car in Massachusetts
It's Illegal to Warm Up Your Car in Massachusetts
With winter in full force, it's no surprise we're all going to want to go outside and start our vehicles before we head to our destination. However, if you're caught idling your vehicle for an extended period of time, you may have to deal with the law.
It's Illegal To Run Your Car's A/C In Massachusetts This Summer
It's Illegal To Run Your Car's A/C In Massachusetts This Summer
It's Illegal To Run Your Car's A/C In Massachusetts This Summer
According to, while this law does prohibit unnecessary idling, it also recognizes that there are times when idling is simply unavoidable and lists three specific exemptions: Like when an engine is being repaired and operating the engine is necessary for the repair; or when a vehicle is making deliveries and associated power is necessary; and when the engine is used to provide power to another device.
Are Fireworks Still Illegal In Massachusetts On 4th Of July?
Are Fireworks Still Illegal In Massachusetts On 4th Of July?
Are Fireworks Still Illegal In Massachusetts On 4th Of July?
As of June 2020, Massachusetts is the only state in the United States with a full ban on all consumer fireworks. This also goes for Chinese lanterns or sky lanterns which are also illegal in Massachusetts, because they are considered fireworks under the law. However, some communities in the state have allowed sky lanterns.

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