
MA. Residents Can Now Face Fines Without Health Insurance
MA. Residents Can Now Face Fines Without Health Insurance
MA. Residents Can Now Face Fines Without Health Insurance
The Department of Revenue new rule is now official under the state’s 2006 health care law. This means most residents over the age of 18 who do not carry adequate health insurance must now pay a fine anywhere between $300 and $2,000. This fine will also impost late fees for each month of non-compliance
Fireworks in Mass are against the law.  Fine or jail time if caught
Fireworks in Mass are against the law. Fine or jail time if caught
Fireworks in Mass are against the law. Fine or jail time if caught
With the 4th of July holiday days away, the State Fire Marshal’s Office urges residents to be respectful of the Massachusetts Fireworks Law and of your neighbors and community. The use of fireworks by anyone who is not a licensed professional is against the law in Massachusetts.  It is il...