Once again, our state of Massachusetts makes us proud by being #1 in yet another important field. It seems like this has been happening a lot lately, hasn't it?
Hey, Massachusetts Roadtrippers! Do you have a favorite drive you take to get away from it all? To refresh and rejuvenate yourself. To feel free. To BREATHE.
I always knew that Massachusetts was loaded with great restaurants and eateries, but I had no idea the Commonwealth was stocked with so many great pizzerias!
I feel this is an important question, Massachusetts: If you're running late in the morning, where is a good place to stop to get that much-needed caffeine?
The list of these oldest restaurants dates as far back as the late 1600s, and expands all the way to the 1950s. If a restaurant has been in business for centuries, you know they are definitely doing it right. Like they say, the customer is always right!
It's a sad fact nowadays, Massachusetts friends and neighbors, but even if you have the best of intentions to eat healthy, it's just not possible all the time.
Once again, our state of Massachusetts makes us proud by being #1 in yet another important field. It seems like this has been happening a lot lately, hasn't it?