Study Shows Having A “Dry January” Can Boost Your Health, Wallet and More
If you're like most people, the last few weeks have been an orgy of holiday food and drink.
However, if you've officially had too much, a Dry January might be just the ticket, and a new study shows it has more benefits than simply getting an overdue "Thank you" from your overtaxed liver.
According to researchers from the University of Sussex, abstaining for a month can help you drop weight, sleep better, and save money -- and it can stop you from drinking too much in the long run.
The simple act of taking a month off alcohol helps people drink less in the long term: by August, people are reporting one extra dry day per week.
There are also considerable immediate benefits: Nine in ten people save money, seven in ten sleep better and three in five lose weight,” says the study's lead author, Dr. Richard de Visser, in a media release.
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