Stamford, Vt., Residents Poised To Vote On Cross-Border School Merger
Residents of Stamford, Vt., are being called to a special town meeting at 7 p.m. Monday at the Stamford Elementary School to back or reject the idea of entering into an interstate merger with the Clarksburg School.
The Berkshire Eagle reports If that vote passes, officials in Clarksburg will call a special town meeting as well, according to Ron Boucher, a Select Board member and acting town administrator.
"If they put it down, there's no need to plan a special town meeting," Boucher said of the pending decision in Vermont. "We'll see how the outcome is on that."
If Stamford says yes, the Clarksburg Select Board could set a meeting date at its next session. The board meets at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Ketchum Memorial Room in Town Hall at 111 River Road.
Cindy Lamore, chair of the Stamford School Committee, told the Eagle the merger issue goes beyond trying to save money in hard-pressed small towns. "It's also about the opportunities available for the students," she said in an April interview.
In a post on the Stamford website, Lamore noted that Monday's vote does not yet bind the town to join with Clarksburg.
"This vote will show both states that each town's voters approve of moving forward and help us gather much needed information," she wrote.
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