Springfield Diocese Suspends Catholic Masses Due To Covid-19
The Diocese of Springfield today issued an updated COVID-19 diocesan directive. Within it, Bishop Mitchell Rozanski directed that all Masses and other activities are suspended in all parishes within the diocese until further notice.
The only exception for parish based activities would be Take & Eat programs which may continue at the discretion of the pastor.
The Diocese serves Berkshire, Franklin, Hampshire and Hampden Counties.
In the directives posted on the diocesan website, the bishop strongly urged parishioners to view the televised Mass, the Chalice of Salvation which airs in Berkshire County at 6 A.M. Sunday on WXXA Fox23 Albany. And there will be 2 live streamed Masses from St.Agnes Church in Dalton, Saturday at 4 P.M. and Sunday at 10 A.M., via this link. Bishop Rozanski has excused all Catholics of the obligation to attend Mass as long as these measures are in effect.
All pastoral in-home and nursing home visits are to be discontinued unless the individual is in critical condition. Catholic schools across the Diocese will close for two weeks.
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