Sorry,Leaving a Voicemail Is Now Considered Rude
According to a new book about 21st century etiquette, leaving someone a voicemail is now considered rude.
The book is called, "Kill Reply All: A Modern Guide to Online Etiquette".
The author argues that there's, quote, "no purpose for voicemails in the modern age." And having to sit through a two-minute message is "super inefficient and inconvenient."
She says you should never leave voicemails now. And if someone doesn't pick up, just hang up and send them a text instead.
Spur-of-the-moment phone calls are also rude now, apparently. Instead, she says to text first and ask the person if they want to talk on the phone.
A few more rules she wants us to follow: Don't use periods at the end of texts . . . don't always "reply all" to group emails . . . and only use emojis in moderation, especially in work emails.
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