Small Graduation Events OK in Mass. – But Not Until Mid-July
New state guidance allows for high schools to hold in-person, outdoor graduation ceremonies starting July 19, with certain safety precautions in place and as long as public health data around COVID-19 allows the state to continue along its reopening plan.
Graduation ceremonies held between now and July 18 are to "be held virtually or in extremely limited other circumstances following safety protocols (e.g., car parades)," according to the guidelines.
Schools have been physically closed since March and will remain so throughout the rest of the school year, which has resulted in cancellation or postponement of many events associated with high school graduations. The minimum standards for in-person graduations later in the summer include limiting attendance to graduates and their immediate family members, with preregistration required, and prohibiting hugging or hand-shaking during a ceremony that "should be kept as brief as possible."
Read more on this story and others on The Berkshire Eagle.com.
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