Scientists Predict You’ll Use A “Brain” Password To Lock Down Your Digital Life
I can't wait for this!
People's stupid passwords are a constant source of amusement -- and sometimes a national security risk, as when Hillary Clinton confidante John Podesta chose the uber-tricky "PASSWORD" with a zero for the "O," to protect his later-hacked email.
While biometrics like fingerprints, face scans, or retina scans are measurably better than, say, "12345," those too can be vulnerable to hackers' expanding bags of tricks.
So scientists are working on a better mousetrap: using your unique brainwaves to lock and unlock your digital life.
Here's how it works, according to experiments explained by the Daily Mail: a person is presented with a series of pictures and text to look at, or music to listen to, which their brain interprets as a series as a series of signals. Those signals are the same every time they experience those same bits of information -- and unique to every person.
Just like how your cellphone saves your fingerprint, someday those signals will be saved and used to as a passcode that can't be duplicated.
Pretty brainy.
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