Savoy, Florida Back Wireless Route To Last-Mile Internet
Two Berkshires communities bringing up the rear on last-mile internet access have picked a business partner — one that would not cost local taxpayers a dime.
Now, Florida and Savoy just need a proposed wireless system to win approval from the Massachusetts Broadband Institute.
The Berkshire Eagle reports WiValley of Keene, N.H., filed a revised proposal late last week to bring internet and phone service to the two Berkshires towns, along with Hawley and Monroe in western Franklin County.
Brian Noyes, a spokesman for MBI, said Monday the institute is reviewing the new proposal.
One issue that may arise is the speed that WiValley can deliver with a wireless system over the wooded and hilly terrain.
For Savoy and Florida, WiValley says it expects to reach more than 98 percent of premises.
The monthly cost for the 25/3 service is listed at $55; the 12/2 service is $45. Digital phone service would add $25 in costs.
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