Protecting the Elderly Against Financial Abuse (Audio)
Berkshire News Network News Director Tom Conklin sat down recently with Paul Gentile, the CEO of Cooperative Credit Union Association, Kara Graziola, Berkshire Elder Services Client Supervisor and Cindy Shogry-Raimer, Director of Community Development for Greylock Federal Credit Union, to discuss protecting the elderly against financial abuse.
They talked about what financial elder abuse is, how to recognize the signs, how big of a problem this issue is in the United States, how to prevent future fraud attempts on the elderly and more.
The program, brought to you by the Cooperative Credit Union Association, was aired on WNAW as part of our Thursday morning Community Insight series. In case you missed the show we're happy to present it here.
The Elder Abuse Hotline # is: 1-800-922-2275
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