Power Shutoff Leaves Mobile Home Park High & Dry
iBerkshires.com reports residents in Pine Valley Mobile Home Park found their water abruptly shut off Tuesday morning over an apparent billing disagreement between the park's owner and National Grid.
The water supply was disrupted shortly after 9:30 a.m. when an employee from the utility shut off power to a section of the park that turned off the well pumps. Water and septic are included in the lot rent but individual mobile homes are responsible for their own power, which was not interrupted.
The park was without water for more than six hours.
One of the residents in the park, said there was no notification and that the manager was also unaware of what had happened. The panel was unlocked, the power shutoff, and a new lock put in place that management can't open.
The shutoff left some 95 sites without water for washing, drinking or flushing.
Initially, there was concern that owner Morgan Management had shut down the water for some reason but the issue was apparently over an unpaid $800 bill . According to town officials, park management says it doesn't owe National Grid and believes that the utility was trying to shut off power to a delinquent tenant and ended up shutting off the park's water.
The power was restored at 3:45 p.m. once the Board of Health informed National Grid that the residents could not be without water overnight.
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