North Adams: Participants sought for WinterFest Events
The Office of Tourism & Community Events is seeking participants to take part in several events during the 22nd annual Winterfest celebration on Saturday, Feb. 16.
Restaurants, businesses, organizations, or individuals are sought to participate in the chowder cook-off, sponsor blocks of ice, and compete in the ice sculpture competition and Bright Ideas Brewing homebrew competition.
Chowder cook-off applications are being accepted through Feb. 4. Participants must prepare their chowder in a licensed commercial kitchen and must provide a copy of their ServSafe Certification and Allergy Awareness Certification.
For cook-off applications, information on the homebrew competition, or to sponsor an ice block or volunteer to carve one, contact the Office of Tourism & Community Events at 413-664-6180 or tourism@northadams-ma.gov.
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