North Adams Moving Forward on Level-Funded Budget
The North Adams School Committee was prepared for a number of bad financial scenarios, with the worst case the closure of an elementary school.
This week, the news isn't quite so awful with the state committed to level-funding aid through at least the first two months of fiscal 2021. But the district isn't out of the woods yet, Superintendent Barbara Malkas told the committee on Tuesday.
"So, because level fund is not necessarily level service, what we'll be presenting now, just like in the previous budget scenarios, is what does that mean with regards to our budget as we are planning for an operational budget based on level funding from Chapter 70," she said. "However, you know, this is a placeholder budget. ... We don't have final cherry sheet numbers and we may not until the end of July or early August."
Malkas said she will be coming back to the School Committee with adjustments as the numbers are more solidified. "This could be the operational budget that allows us to move forward and start our planning for next year," she said.
Read all the details at iBerkshires.Com.