North Adams Councilors Push for Public Participation
Some North Adams city councilors are itching to get back into their City Hall chambers — and let the voice of the people be heard again.
The nine-member council held its last meeting in person on March 24, days after the governor's order to limit gatherings of more than 10 people to contain the novel coronavirus pandemic. Councilors, mayor, city clerk and press had spread out through council chambers that night with no public allowed in.
Since then, they've been meeting remotely on the Zoom digital platform that allows the public to listen in over Northern Berkshire Community Television but not to participate.
The issue's come up at the last two council meetings, last week's regular meeting and Tuesday's special meeting to review the budget.
But councilors are grumbling on why that hasn't been done sooner when other communities have been providing public access for weeks.
Read the entire story at iBerkshires.Com now.
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