Nearly 25% of Dieters Go Off Track By Their Own Partners
When it comes to sticking to your diet goals, you may be sleeping with the enemy.
A new survey sponsored by protein drink-maker Isopure reveals that nearly 25% of those polled say their partner sabotaged their diet plans.
To be precise, 24% of those polled say their supposedly better halves have no problem eating snacks, encouraging their partners to drink, or otherwise tempting them to stop bettering themselves.
While the choice to fall of the wagon, diet-wise, ultimately comes down to the dieter, being tempted at home certainly isn't helpful. That's likely why Saturday remains the most popular day to slip.
So what else leads dieters to slip? Some 42% blamed stress eating.
Of those polled, 38% said they lost their #dietgoals because they couldn't let a particular food pass them by -- with pizza ranking first as the biggest temptation. Ice cream and chips were a close second and third.
Some 32% say healthy food cost too much to stick to their diets.
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