N. Adams Traffic Commission Advises Raising Parking Permit Rates
iBerkshires.com reports the commission in January voted to raise the price in the Center Street lot by $10 but couldn't address the St. Anthony lot because it had not been put on the agenda. On Monday, the commissioners agreed that permits in both lots should cost the same.
St. Anthony's prices have been lower than Center Street's and also took into account a reduction during the winter months that Chairwoman Mary Ann King said had been instituted to encourage more parking there.
St. Anthony's permits are currently $15 a month during the winter and $20 a month from May to November, or $20 a month year-round for overnight.
That works out, he said, to about $1.33 a day for parking.
If accepted by the City Council, the parking permits would be $40 a month for daytime and $45 for overnight in both lots. Parking passes at $10 for three days can be used in either lot.
The commission also reviewed a request by Barry Garton of BrewHaHa on West Main Street to install signs at a crosswalk in front of his coffee shop.
King said he had initially asked for flashing signs such as those around Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts but she had explained the college had purchased and installed those.
In other business: The commission welcomed new members Ian Wilson and Jonathan Beaudreau, who were appointed last month; set a regular meeting time of the third Monday of the month at 6 p.m., except holidays; voted to ask the mayor to appoint a new chairman.
King has served on the commission for 29 years, mostly as secretary and/or chairman. "I'd like to pass it along," she said. "I'd just like to be a member."
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