N.Adams Seeks Local Input On Where To Site Outdoor Theater
The Berkshire Eagle reports city officials are continuing to study the potential for an outdoor theater in North Adams.
In partnership with the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, the city is now reaching out to local business owners to assess where in the downtown area an outdoor theater might be a good fit.
The meeting comes after the feasibility study's leaders have already reached out to individual stakeholders.
The exploration of a downtown theater of some kind is a continuation of efforts that began under former Mayor Richard Alcombright. Now, the city has set aside $20,000 of its Community Development Block Grant funds to hire the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission to study the topic.
Officials have already laid out a few potential sites that include the privately owned Steeple City Plaza lot off of Main Street, Colegrove Park and the Leu Lot on Marshall Street.
It remains to be seen what the interest level in an outdoor theater will be among business owners, said Chamber of Commerce President Glenn Maloney. "Part of this is to try to find that out."
The meeting is slated for 6 to 7 p.m. Feb. 19 at the Design Lab, 49 Main St.
Officials plan to hold a meeting for input from the general public at a later date when details about the potential project become clearer.
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