Mount Greylock Teachers Union Kills Notion of ‘Public’ Negotiations
The acting president of the Mount Greylock Regional School District's teachers union Friday rejected a School Committee member's suggestion that the union should hold its collective bargaining sessions in public and accused the committee of violating Massachusetts labor law in its Thursday evening meeting.
Lanesborough Elementary School teacher Jennifer Szymanski was replying to a request for comment on Thursday night after School Committee member Steven Miller twice suggested that the panel hold public meetings with the union to discuss contractual changes needed to accomplish a return to classes in September.
At the time, Miller was pushing Interim Superintendent Robert Putnam and the district's three principals to agree with the committee and abandon a plan to start the year with two weeks of remote instruction before transitioning to a hybrid model that would have had the district's general education students in school for a maximum of two days per week.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Miller has been the committee's most consistent voice advocating for solutions that could maximize the number of children in schools while maintaining the face covering, social distancing and hygiene requirements that will be a part of any return to in-person instruction.
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